Survey of adults living in Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District council areas, on behalf of the two councils, on their views towards the proposals to merge into a new ‘super district’ council for East Suffolk.
- A majority of adults in both council areas express a favourable view towards the proposals (57%). Around one in five say they are unfavourable (22%) and a similar proportion say they ‘don’t know’.
- When provided with further information on the proposals and asked again to share their views, adults are more likely to express a favourable view than before (72%, up by 15 points).
- Three in five (61%) of all residents living in Waveney and Suffolk Coastal District council areas say they have heard of the proposals to create a new single District Council for East Suffolk.
Date Published: 02/12/2016
Categories: Politics | Public and communities | Public Sector | Social | UK
Client: East Suffolk (Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils)
ComRes interviewed 1,000 adults aged 18+ living in Waveney District or Suffolk Coastal District Council areas by telephone between the 3rd and 14th October 2016.
Quotas were set to ensure 500 adults were surveyed in each Council area, and all data were weighted to be representative of all adults living in Waveney and Suffolk Coastal District council areas by age, gender, council area, socio-economic grade (SEG) and ethnicity.
Quotas were also set to ensure a good spread of responses by individual council ward and economic status (economically active/inactive).