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Daily Telegraph, Eve of Election Poll – GE2019 Westminster Voting Intention, 11th Dec

Poll of GB adults on behalf of the Daily Telegraph on their voting intentions.

Savanta ComRes/ Daily Telegraph Voting Intention

Base: All respondents likely to vote and expressing a voting intention (n=1,732)

Con 41%
Lab 36% +3
LD 12%
Brex 3%
Green 2%
SNP 4%
Other 2% -3

(% in second column relate to Savanta ComRes/ Sunday Telegraph poll published 8th December 2019)

Date Published: 11/12/2019

Categories: GB | GE2019 | Politics | Voting Intention

Client: Daily Telegraph


Methodology:SavantaComRes interviewed2,051 British adults online on 9th-10th December 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all adults and by 2017 past vote recall and EU Referendum past vote. Voting Intention is also weighted by likelihood to vote. SavantaComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Final-Telegraph-Savanta-ComRes-GE2019-VI-2c0d5h1 -0 KB.

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