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Daily Mirror – Loneliness Poll 2019

A survey British adults on loneliness

  • Surprisingly, the younger age groups say they feel lonelier than older age groups: seven in ten (70%) adults aged 18-34 say they ever feel lonely, compared with one third (35%) of 55+ year olds.
  • Three in ten (62%) 75+ year olds say they have gone less than a day without speaking to or seeing anyone in person, compared with less than a quarter (23%) of 18-24 year olds who say the same.
  • One quarter (24%) of 18-24 year olds say they have gone two to three days without speaking to or seeing anyone in person, compared with one in ten (10%) 75+ year olds.
  • However, half (49%) of 18-24 year olds say they are in contact with their friends daily, while one in five (21%) adults aged 65-74 say the same.
  • Four in five (82%) 65-74 year olds disagree that they expect to feel lonely at some point over Christmas, compared with three in five (62%) of 18-24 year olds.
  • Approaching all (98%) 65-74 year olds say they know their neighbours, while less than three quarters (74%) of 18-24 year olds say the same.
  • Four in five (80%) British adults say they have someone they feel they can talk to in an emergency. Perhaps surprisingly, this is highest amongst those aged 55+ (86%), compared with less than four in five 18-34 year olds and 35-54 year olds (77% for both).
  • Nearly two in five 75+ year olds and 35-44 year olds (38% for both) say they catch the bus deliberately to have some human contact.
  • Approaching half (47%) of Londoners say they would like their neighbourhood to be more friendly, more than any other region.
  • Three quarters (75%) of 65-74 year olds agree they prefer to talk to family and friends face to face rather than by phone or email, compared with three in five (62%) of 45-54 year olds who say the same.

Date Published: 01/02/2019

Categories: GB | Public and communities | Social

Client: Daily Mirror


ComRes surveyed 2,085 British adults online between 9th and 11th November 2018. Data were weighted to be representative of all British adults aged 18+ by age, gender and region. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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