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Daily Express Voting Intention and Brexit Poll January 2019

A survey of 2,010 GB adults on Brexit

Voting Intention

(nb adds up to 98% due to rounding)

(% in brackets relate to ComRes/Daily Express poll on 4 December 2018)

Political findings:

  • On the issue of a second referendum, most people want the 2016 Referendum to be respected (53%), compared with three in ten (29%) who disagree and one in five (18%) who don’t know.
  • Conservative and Labour 2017 voters (and Remain and Leave voters) are in equal agreement that Parliament is not emerging from the Brexit process in a good light (83% Con, 84% Lab).
  • 2016 Remain and Leave voters are also in agreement that the Brexit process has shown the current generation of politicians are not up to the job (80% Remain voters, 83% Leave voters).
  • More than seven in ten adults agree the Brexit process has shown that the British political system needs a complete overhaul (72%), with one in ten disagreeing (10%) and two in ten saying they don’t know (18%).
  • Nearly three quarters support having a written Constitution to provide clear legal rules for how Government Ministers, Parliament and civil servants are required to act (72%) with less than one in ten opposing (7%).
  • More than six in ten (62%) support enabling more decisions to be made at local level rather than by Parliament.

Date Published: 17/01/2019

Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities

Client: Daily Express


ComRes surveyed 2,010 British adults on 14th-15th January 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults by age, gender, region and social grade. Voting intention questions were also weighted by past vote recall and likelihood to vote. Additional questions related to Brexit were weighted by 2016 EU Referendum results. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Daily-Express-Political-Poll-January-2019 -0 KB.

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