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ComRes / Daily Telegraph Poll – June 2019

Survey of GB adults on their voting intentions and attitudes towards different Conservative Leadership candidates.

Lab 27%
Con 23% +3
Brex 22% +2
LD 17% +4
CHUK 1% -5
UKIP 1% -3
SNP 3%
Green 5% +1
Other 2% +1

(% in brackets relate to ComRes/Daily Telegraph poll on 13th May 2019)

  • Labour leads with a 27% share of the vote, staying level since May 2019.
  • Conservatives are ahead of the Brexit Party by 1 point (23% vs 22%).
  • The Brexit Party has gained three in ten 2017 Tory voters (31%).
  • The Liberal Democrats’ share of the vote rose by 4 percentage points since May 2019.

If the parties were to achieve these vote shares at a General Election it would result in Labour being the largest party but 34 seats short of a majority (Con 209, Lab 292, SNP 55, LD 30, Grn 1, PC 4, CHUK 0, Brex 41 source:

Date Published: 11/06/2019

Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities | Voting Intention

Client: Daily Telegraph


ComRes interviewed 2,017 GB adults online between 7th – 9th June 2019. Data were weighted to be representative of all GB adults by age, gender, region and social grade, as well as 2017 General Election. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. The-Telegraph_Voting-Intention_June-2019 -0 KB.

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