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Christian Aid Peacebuilding Poll

A survey of GB adults on their views of the military and peace-building

  • Three in ten (30%) British adults say the UK government should spend about the same on peace-building as it does on defence
  • Three in five (61%) say the UK should stop selling military equipment to Saudi Arabia
  • Seven in ten (71%) agree that the UK government’s foreign and aid policy should be guided by respect for human rights and ending conflict
  • Two in five (39%) agree that the UK government’s foreign and aid policy should be guided by British business interests

Date Published: 14/12/2018

Categories: GB | Infrastructure | Public and communities | Social | Technology & Telecoms

Client: Christian Aid


ComRes interviewed 2,008 British adults (aged 18+) between the 28th and 29th of November 2018. Data were weighted by gender, age, region and socio-economic grade to be representative of the population as a whole. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Christian-Aid_Peacebuilding-Survey_061218 -0 KB.

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