Consumer | Energy | GB | Personal Finance | Public and communities | Technology & Telecoms
A series of weekly polls exploring the experiences of British consumers with regards to: winter savings, internet connectivity, supplier loyalty, electrical repairs and nuisance phone calls.
- One third of British adults (35%) say they receive a slower speed of broadband connection than they pay for.
- More than half of those who report registering for the Telephone Preference Service say that it does not work for them (58%).
- Two in five British adults (42%) say they are concerned about the cost of their gas or electricity bills this winter
Date Published: 28th November 2016
Categories: Consumer | Energy | GB | Personal Finance | Public and communities | Technology & Telecoms
Client: BBC Watchdog
ComRes conducted a number of surveys, both online and telephone, between 21st October and 28th November 2016. Full methodology notes are avilable on each set of tables.
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