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38 Degrees Opinion Poll November 2019

Survey of GB adults on the tone of debate during elections and the impact this has on voters

  • The tone of debate was deemed to be worst during the 2016 EU Referendum, with a third (34%) saying the tone of the debate was bad natured, and one in five (22%) saying the tone was very bad natured.
  • One in five (17%) British adults said the tone of the debate in the 2017 General Election was bad natured, with one in ten (10%) saying it was very bad natured. This is compared to just one in ten (9%) who thought the tone of the debate in the 2015 General Election was bad natured.

Date Published: 26/11/2019

Categories: GB | GE2019 | Politics | Public and communities | Social

Client: 38 Degrees


Savanta ComRes interviewed 2,048 British adults aged 18+ online between 15th-17th November 2019. Data were weighted to be representative of all GB adults. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Final-38-Degrees_Tables_191119 -0 KB.

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