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UK Government coronavirus measures – September snap poll

Latest polling from Savanta ComRes shows that a majority of English adults support each of the new restrictions to reduce the transmission of coronavirus that the Government has introduced, but still feel that the new measures aren’t strict enough.

  • Of the measures announced yesterday (September 22nd) by the Prime Minister to the House of Commons and, separately, in a broadcast to the nation at 8pm, all retail and hospitality workers, as well as everyone in taxis wearing mandatory face coverings had the highest level of net public support (73%), followed closely by people working from home (72%).
  • Reducing the number of guests at a wedding from 30 to 15 had the lowest overall public net support (46%), but even this had more support than opposition by a ratio of more than 4:1.
  • The public also tended to feel that each of these measures would be effective in curbing the transmission of Covid-19. Around three quarters of English adults believe that making those who can work from home do so (76%), and requiring all retail and hospitality workers to wear a face covering (75%) would be an effective way to stop the transmission of the virus, while seven in ten say the same of halting the resumption of audiences at live sporting events (70%).
  • However, just over half say that the new 10pm pub and restaurant curfew would be an effective way of stopping the spread of the virus (53%), although this is twice as many than those who think it would be an ineffective method (27%).
  • Despite this, nearly two in three English adults say that the new measures from the Government are not strict enough (65%) and a similar proportion (64%) would support a two-week “circuit-breaker” lockdown, including a ‘Stay at Home’ message, compared to just 17% who oppose.
  • Elsewhere in the poll, English adults overwhelmingly feel as though the availability of tests has been poor (50%) compared to good (19%).

Date Published: 22/09/2020

Categories: Politics | Public and communities | UK

Client: Savanta ComRes


Savanta ComRes interviewed 1,014 English adults aged 18+ on the 22nd September 2020. All fieldwork was conducted after the Prime Minister’s statement to the House of Commons. Data were weighted by age, sex, region and SEG, and targets for the weighted data were derived from the Office of National Statistics. Savanta ComRes are members of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. UK-Government-coronavirus-measures-September-snap-poll-tables-1 -0 KB.

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