Businesses looking to attract new customers in meaningful ways first need to understand what kind of people make up their target audience, and recognize how and where consumers get their information from.
Understanding this consumer habit will allow businesses to identify what are on the minds of their consumers, what kinds of content they like to engage with, and what platforms are most appealing to them.
1 in 3 (38%) Americans get their news from Facebook
In a recent survey conducted by Savanta, when Americans were asked, “Where do you go for current news and important information?”, 41% said local news station, 38% said Facebook, 31% said Instagram, 24% said Twitter, 15% said local radio, and only 8% said LinkedIn. Word of mouth was also popular, with 33% of people saying that they go to friends and family for current news and important information.
Savanta reports that there is a significant difference in where people are getting their news based on the age of the consumer. Social media appears to be the easiest platform to receive information about daily news, with over 1 in 3 (38%) of Americans getting their news from Facebook. Of the Americans who get their news from Facebook, 83% are under 45, while only 18% are over 45.
Of the Americans that are over 35 years old, local radio (54%), national news stations (52%), and local news stations (52%) are the most frequently used platforms to find news-related information. While individuals under 35 years old choose to get their news from social media and word of mouth. Of the Americans who are under 35 years old, 81% get their news from Twitter, 75% get their news from Instagram, 69% get their news from Magazines, and 63% get their news from friends and family.
Now, not only is having your work advertised on social media important but also sharing news on your business can be beneficial for engaging your audience. People are more and more likely to be interested in content that shares insider knowledge and information, rather than advertising their brand plainly on different platforms.
Businesses who disperse their content among different social media platforms have a higher likelihood of becoming seen in the public eye and shared amongst favorable consumer groups. By tailoring your content perfectly amidst the daily reporting of news on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you then can also engage your target audience with your own content.
Check out Savanta’s Digital Ad Performance to learn how to test your digital content on different platforms to ensure you stand out amongst the crowded newsfeeds.