Health | Public and communities | Sport | UK
Survey of UK adults on attitudes towards opening school facilities for young people during the school holidays.
- Around three quarters of UK adults disagree there are enough youth facilities for children and young people (74%), while a similar proportion (77%) say this is contributing to increasing youth crime levels.
- The survey results also indicate an overwhelming level of support among UK adults for opening school facilities during school holidays to engage children and young people in sports and physical activities. Approaching nine in ten (85%) support this proposal, while more than half (54%) strongly support this.
- Respondents with children aged 16 or younger are more likely to support opening school facilities during the school holidays to engage children and young people in sports and physical activities than those without (88% vs. 84%).
Date Published: 13/07/2019
Categories: Health | Public and communities | Sport | UK
Client: ukactive
ComRes interviewed 2,0987 UK adults aged 18+ online between 26th and 28th April 2019. Data were weighted to be nationally representative of all UK adults by key demographics including age, gender, region and socio-economic grade. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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