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Bloodwise GPs Omnibus Research

Bloodwise commissioned Savanta ComRes to conduct research among GPs in order to better understand what would help them identify blood cancer symptoms more effectively. Results show that GPs more commonly select practical matters such as the length of appointment times or on the job training than theoretical resources.

  • Of the options tested, GPs are most likely (54%) to say that longer appointment times with patients would help them identify blood cancer symptoms more effectively. This is followed by on-the-job training (48%)
  • Around a third say that better access to summaries of NICE guidance (35%) or better medical school training on blood cancer (33%) would help them better identify blood cancer symptoms
  • A quarter (25%) say the same about specialist charities providing GPs with relevant materials recognising symptoms

Date Published: 27/02/2020

Categories: Health | Professionals | UK

Client: Bloodwise


Savanta ComRes interviewed 1,005 UK GPs online between 9th and 30th August 2019. Data were weighted by former SHA regions in order to be representative of UK GPs. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. GPs-Omnibus-August-2019-Savanta-ComRes-final -0 KB.