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Number of people following government advice falls

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Julian Dailly EVP 17/04/2020

Coronavirus daily tracker: April 17th 2020

As confusion reigns over lockdown exit plans and news of PPE shortages continues, how are we coping?

The number of people following government advice entirely was up to 48% two days ago and has now dropped to 41%.

As we enter the second phase of lockdown, the number of people who say they are mostly or entirely following government advice has dropped by four points from 86% to 82%. Could this be a sign that while people were psychologically prepared for three weeks of restrictions, they’re becoming more resistant as time goes by?

Worry levels have also dropped slightly to 50% yesterday from 52% the day before. This is the lowest figure we’ve seen since before the lockdown. What’s more, the number of people following government advice entirely was up to 48% two days ago and has now dropped to 41%.

Fewer people are also completely self-isolating: 41% down from 47% two days previously.

In terms of personal health, people largely believe that their physical health has stayed the same (+1% better). The number one reason people are leaving the house is to exercise (36%) compared with just 24% who went to the supermarket.

However, the population’s mental health has unsurprisingly taken a significant knock (-20% worse).

Government approval ratings

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has the second-highest approval rating of all public individuals we’re tracking with regards to how he is handling the crisis (58%), just behind CMO Chris Whitty on 60%. We shall see how this changes when he is well enough to return to work. Acting PM Dominic Raab has an approval rating of 43% in comparison.

In terms of how well the government is supporting various sections of society and businesses, the public thinks self-employed people are least supported (43% think the government are supporting them adequately) as well as the leisure industry including cinemas, theatres and pubs (44% think they are supported).

We will be updating our coronavirus tracker daily and weekly as this unprecedented pandemic unfolds. Please get in touch for more information

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