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WPI Economics Electric Cars survey

Survey of GB adults on behalf of WPI Economics on electric cars

• While half (52%) of GB adults are likely to buy a car in the next two years, just 15% say that they are likely to buy an electric / hybrid car.

• While 58% are interested in reducing the impact their driving has on the environment, only 36% say that the Government’s existing subsidy scheme would make them more likely to buy a hybrid or fully-electric car.

Date Published: 08/05/2017

Categories: Consumer | GB | Public and communities | Transport

Client: WPI Economics


ComRes interviewed 2,003 GB adults online between the 13th and 15th April 2018. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults aged 18+. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. WPI_Electric-Cars-Tables_April-2018_V3 -0 KB.

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