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Sunday Express – Boris and Brexit – Snap Poll August 2018

A survey of British adults on Boris Johnson and Brexit

• Over half of the British public do not think that Boris Johnson should be disciplined for his comments about women wearing the burka (53%). This is felt most strongly by the older generations, aged 65+ (77%) compared to nearly one thirds of 18-24 year olds who think he should be disciplined (62%)
• Theresa May is slightly more popular amongst the British public compared to Boris Johnson in who should lead the Conservative Party (26% vs 24%). However, ‘neither’ is the most popular option for two in five Brits (40%)
• Six in ten British adults say that protection of our rights to free speech have weakened (60%)
• Nearly three quarters of British adults feel less confident about Britain getting a good Brexit deal compared to after the EU Referendum result in June 2016 (74%)

Date Published: 12/08/2018

Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities

Client: Sunday Express


ComRes surveyed 1,045 British adults aged 18+ online on 10th August 2018. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults by gender, age, and region. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Sunday-Express-Boris-and-Brexit-Results-August-2018 -0 KB.

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