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Poll of 1,056 parents of children 18 and under for Channel 4 News on their children’s use of screens and devices

British parents estimate their children under the age of 18 spend an average of just under three hours a day on screens.

Playing games is thought to be the biggest use of screen time, with more than half of parents (54%) listing this as one the three most common uses of screens for their children.

Two thirds of parents (66%) say they use a screen when they are with their children.

More than two in five parents (43%) think their child is addicted to their screen, however the majority of parents (58%) think that the positives of screen use outweigh the negatives.

When it comes to the screen use of their children, parents are most concerned about their child or children accessing material of a sexual nature on the internet. This is closely followed by concern about children accessing violent material (52%) or meeting strangers online (52%).

Date Published: 21st September 2015

Categories: Consumer | GB | Media | Public and communities | Social | Technology & Telecoms

Client: Channel 4 News


ComRes interviewed 1,056 people British adults with children aged under the age of 18+. Respondents were drawn from a nationally representative survey of all GB adults aged 18+.

  1. Channel-4-News_Parents-Screen-use-Survey_September-2015 -0 KB.

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