A survey of 16-18 year olds across England, currently studying for their A-levels on behalf of BBC Inside Out.
Date Published: 23 Oct 2011
Categories: Education | Public and communities | Social | UK
1 in 10 students put off University by increased Tuition Fees
A survey commissioned by BBC Inside Out suggests that one in ten A-level students have been put off university because of the increase in tuition fees, but over 80% will probably still go.
ComRes interviewed 1009 16 to 18 year olds from across England currently studying for their A-levels to find out how increased tuition fees is affecting young people's decisions to go to university. A significant number of this group will be the first to face increased tuition fees which will apply from 2012.
The results suggest that overall the benefits of a university education are viewed as outweighing the costs and generally young people believe they will have better job prospects at the end of university than after leaving school.
However, the vast majority of students are worried about the burden of debt in a tight jobs market and think it is incredibly hard to get a job after university.
Half of those surveyed would consider going to a more local university to save money. Just under half might look abroad for study options.
Almost two thirds of students said they would consider apprenticeships as an alternative means of gaining qualifications.
BBC Inside Out investigates the impact of increased Tuition Fees on students across England on Monday 24th October at 7.30pm on BBC One.
Methodology Note:
ComRes interviewed 1009 16 to 18 year olds currently studying for their A-levels by telephone. Interviews were conducted between 4th and 8th October 2011. ComRes is a member of the British Polling and abides by its rules. www.comres.co.uk