US weekly consumer tracker: June 10th 2020
As we near the fourth month of the crisis, most consumers are still not ready to return to life as usual.
US consumers are still uncomfortable with many previously ‘normal’ activities such as going to the movies or the mall
Movie theaters, shopping malls and various other consumer facing industries are still suffering from partial and even full lockdown closures. Most are trying to navigate the harsh reality that the pandemic has thrust upon them, and the long-term affects that it will have.
The crisis has had a significant financial effect on countries across the world – some more so than others. Americans feel particularly hit by the impact, with over seven in ten (72%) saying that they believe the economic condition of the country has decreased since last year.
Despite their economic concern, almost half (47%) think the government needs to be cautious and keep as much closed as possible for the time being. There is a small section of society (34%) that think the worst is over and stores should open up, however for the most part, people remain wary.
US consumers are still uncomfortable with many previously ‘normal’ activities such as going to the movies or the mall. When it comes to shopping, it seems people have mixed feelings. A third (31%) say that they would be uncomfortable shopping in a large store, but a similar number (28%) would be happy to. More people feel positive about shopping in smaller stores, perhaps feeling that they pose less of a threat.
The summer months are usually associated with long holidays – from relaxing on the beach, to hiking tours or exploring new cities. But the data shows that US consumers do not seem eager to start traveling yet. In fact, a third (33%) say that they do not plan on traveling for the entire rest of the year, and just 22% plan to travel by plane domestically. Those without their own car may be set to stay put this summer, with a quarter (24%) feeling uncomfortable about renting a car at the moment.
Trips to see family and friends may not be an option for many this summer, however staying in touch won’t be a problem. Zoom and other video conference platforms are growing in popularity and there is evidence that this will only continue post-lockdown, with 29% saying they have picked up social video conferencing and will continue to do so after restrictions are lifted.
Whether or not US consumers will return to their old habits after lockdown remains to be seen. Many consumers expect a significant change to their daily lives, with just 23% planning on going about their life the same as they did before lockdown begun.
It will be interesting to see how the data fluctuates over the coming weeks as the US enters into phase one of its reopening plan.
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