A new report by Savanta's Diversity & Inclusion Committee
This new report from Savanta reveals the truth about what consumers and employees from ethnic minorities expect from the brands they support and institutions that they work for.
The findings illustrated the microaggressions these employees dealt with on a regular basis.
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, on 25th May 2020, the Black Lives Matter movement has redefined how many around the world perceive the struggle for racial justice and the necessary steps needed to combat injustice.
The movement has emphasised the necessity for all facets of society to stand up to fight injustice. Brands and organisations are no longer able to sit on the sidelines and watch the passing of this defining moment.
The focus is no longer just on governing and political institutions. Customers demand nonpassive behaviour from organisations with a platform to speak out. Employees demand their employers use their power for good and internal leaderships demand that they must find a way to do what is right.
From what stemmed as, rightfully, outrage at a blatant display of social injustice, -has gone on to illuminate the wider public, to the day-to-day struggles for People of Colour (POC) and the importance of improving the lives for all in the workplace.
The findings illustrated the microaggressions these employees dealt with on a regular basis.
In January 2021, Savanta released its ‘Black Lives Matter: Everywhere’, campaign in the United States.
This was a report which sought to amplify the voices of minorities within the workplace. Uncovering what Black and other ethnic minority background employees felt they needed for a safer and fairer workplace experience.
The findings illustrated the microaggressions these employees dealt with on a regular basis. Beyond highlighting daily workplace marginalisation’s the report provides viable solutions and outlines what actions employers can take, to better accommodate an inclusive workplace environment, since the BLM movement erupted over the summer of 2020.
This new report shifts the focus away from the United States and onto the United Kingdom, a nation with its own unique story to tell with regard to racial injustice.
As part of this research, Savanta spoke to over 1,500 employed adults in the UK. With over 500 respondents from Black backgrounds, 500 from White backgrounds and 500 from Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds – this report reveals the truth about what consumers and employees from ethnic minorities expect from the brands they support and the institutions that they work for.
Download the free report, here.