Voting intention poll plus political attitudes conducted for the Independent on Sunday published 13 December 2009
Date Published: 12 Dec 2009
Categories: Energy | Media | Politics | Technology & Telecoms | UK | Voting Intention
Con 41% (+4)
Lab 24% (-3)
LD 21% (+1)
Others 14% (-2)
Incl Green 5% (+1)
UKIP 4% (-2)
Changes since ComRes for The Independent 1 December.
Additional questions:
The fact that David Cameron went to Eton makes it harder for him to be a good prime minister for the whole country
Agree 20%
Disagree 70%
Don’t know 9%
Ø This question confirms the view that attacking David Cameron for his education is not a vote winner
Ø Even among Labour’s core voters, in social group DE, only one in five agree
Ø Two-thirds of Labour voters disagree with the statement (plus 72% of 2005 Labour voters), as do 64% of Lib Dems
From what I have heard, the Government’s plans for heavier taxes on people with high incomes are fair
Agree 66%
Disagree 28%
Don’t know 5%
Ø The Government is right, in the eyes of most voters, to tax high earners more heavily
Ø Unsurprisingly the highest proportion who agree are DEs (71%) although even 64% of ABs agree
Ø There is also a correlation between age and agreement, with older voters the most likely to agree
Ø Although Labour voters are the voter group most likely to agree, 61% of Tories do too
It is right for married couples to be given tax breaks that are not available to unmarried couples
Agree 46%
Disagree 46%
Don’t know 8%
Ø Men 55% agree 39% disagree, women 39% agree and 52% disagree
Ø Labour voters are least likely to agree (39%) and Tory voters most likely to (53%)
The Conservatives have the right ideas about how to get Britain out of recession
Agree 34% (Feb 35%, April 38%, August 37%)
Disagree 46% (Feb 45%, April 49%, August 48%)
Ø The Tories haven’t moved beyond the margin of error throughout 2009
Ø Men are more convinced of the Tories on this measure, by 38% to 31%
Ø 16% of Labour voters agree, and 13% of Tory voters disagree
Ø 22% of 2005 Labour voters agree
Methodology note:
ComRes telephoned 1,001 GB adults on 9th and 10th December 2009. Data were weighted by past vote recall.
ComRes interviewed 1001 GB adults between 9 and 10 December 2009.