Survey of working adults in France, Germany Italy and Spain about ethics at work
- Across Germany, France, Italy and Spain, there is a general sense that while honesty and good conduct predominate in working environments, there is a minority undercurrent of unethical misconduct.
- The majority of working adults in each country say that honesty is practiced at least frequently in their organisation, and high proportions are also unaware of illegal or unethical conduct taking place in the past year.
- However, a notable minority are aware of such conduct, with inappropriate, unethical or unfair treatment the most common form of misconduct reported.
- Safety violations, misreporting hours worked and abusive behaviour are also identified as prevalent forms of unethical conduct.
Date Published: 11/11/2015
Categories: Business | Europe | Public and communities
Client: Institute of Business Ethics (IBE)
ComRes interviewed 3,000 European adults from 4 countries (750 from each) online between 4th and 11th March 2015. Data were weighted to be representative of all working adults aged 16+ in France, Germany, Italy and Spain.