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Obesity Health Alliance – food and shopping during coronavirus outbreak

People report eating more fruit and vegetables, and home cooked meals during the pandemic, and less fast food or takeaways.

  • Younger people (aged 18-24) are more likely to report changes in what they are eating such as eating more or less of certain types of food.
  • A large proportion of people (48%) report that they are eating less fast food and takeaways.
  • People (particularly young people) are reporting eating more discretionary foods, including confectionery, cakes and biscuits and crisps.
  • People haven’t noticed any particular changes in food advertising.
  • There is a change in people’s perceptions of supermarket promotions with 39% of people reporting seeing less multi-buy promotions on food in shops.
  • The majority of people (62%) agree that supermarkets have a key role to play in helping people be healthy at the moment. 50% agree supermarkets should focus their promotions on foods that help us be healthier.

Date Published: 02/06/2020

Categories: Health | Public and communities | Social | UK

Client: Obesity Health Alliance


Savanta ComRes interviewed 2,025 UK adults (18+) online from the 17th April to 20th April 2020. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of UK adults by gender, age, region and social grade. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
  1. Obesity-Health-Alliance-public-polling_April-2020-Savanta-ComRes -0 KB.

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