A survey of parents of children 18 and under on vaccinations
- A third (30%) of parents surveyed said their children had missed one or more routine jabs including MMR, flu or meningitis.
- A quarter of parents surveyed said they were often exposed to anti-vaxx messages on social media sites.
- 27% of parents said their children had not had their annual flu jab on one or more occasion
- Of those who had missed a jab, 25% of parents blamed ‘concerns over vaccine safety’ and 17% cited worries about ‘long-term side effects’
Date Published: 16/11/2019
Categories: GB | Health | Public and communities | Social
Client: Daily Mail
Savanta ComRes surveyed 1,083 parents of children 18 and under from 18th – 24th October 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.