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ITV News Index – E-cigarettes

Public poll on e-cigarettes for ITV News.

Date Published: 15 Jul 2014

Categories: Business | Consumer | Health | Public and communities | UK


66% want law change in selling e-cigs to under 18s

Two-thirds of Britons would support a change to the law which would make it illegal to sell e-cigarettes to those aged under 18, according to an ITV News poll carried out by ComRes.

It is currently legal to sell e-cigarettes - which contain nicotine - to under 18s although there is a voluntary code in place by the retail industry for them not to do so.

ComRes asked 2,055 people whether they would "support or oppose a change in the law to make it illegal to sell e-cigarettes, which contain nicotine, to under 18-year-olds." The results were:

  • 66% support a change in the law to make it illegal to sell e-cigarettes to under 18s.
  • 16% said they opposed the change, which would leave the voluntary code in place.
  • 17% said they did not know.

Levels of support for a change in the law was similar between parents with children under the age of 18 (68%) and those without children of that age (66%), the poll found.

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