As online networking and remote working become the norm, Savanta is monitoring how employees feel as the end of Covid-19 approaches.
When Covid-19 forced most Americans to work from home, traditional professional networking methods came to a halt.
As a result, online platforms became essential in forging new professional relationships. New Savanta data shows that 46% of Americans are now using social media platforms to network. 54% use Facebook, 39% are using LinkedIn, and 22% use Twitter to connect with their networks.
61% of those working from home feel that remote working has positively impacted their work-life balance.
How are Americans using these platforms to stay professionally connected?
Americans have become creative in how they use social media to interact with their networks. The most popular way is joining professional groups online (41%), connecting with industry experts on LinkedIn (34%), following up with speakers from virtual conferences held on social media (23%), and writing blogs and articles to share on social media networks.
Aside from social media, 35% of professionals are attending virtual meetups, 26% are turning to virtual audio/video meetings, and 26% are attending virtual conferences and seminars as a way to remain professionally involved.
What tools are American professionals using?
It’s no surprise that Zoom and Microsoft Teams are the most popular tools used to communicate virtually. 58% of Americans use Zoom, and 28% are using Microsoft Teams. Other communication platforms include Google Meets (26%), LinkedIn (26%), Instagram (25%), Skype (23%), WhatsApp (23%) and Slack (9%).
How do Americans feel about remote working?
Working online is changing the way Americans feel about where and how they work. Savanta data shows that Americans are happier, more connected, and more productive when working from home.
61% of those working from home feel that remote working has positively impacted their work-life balance.
The numbers indicate that changes are likely ahead for the American workforce. A combination of remote and on-site working, a hybrid virtual model, in which some employees are on-premises, while others work from home, will likely happen soon. Savanta data shows there is more positive sentiment about working from home, than working from the office.
• The overall feeling of productivity is higher among remote workers. 58% feel far more productive at home, while only 21% of Americans who work outside the home share the feeling.
• 41% of those that work from home report increased interaction with colleagues, while only 22% of those that work outside the home report feeling more connected to their coworkers.
• As for living a balanced life, 61% of those working from home feel that remote working has positively impacted their work-life balance.
• 52% of those working from home find it easier to start communication online, while 34% of those that work outside the home find it easier.
• 49% of Americans who work remotely feel like they are increasing their social and professional connections, as opposed to 35% working outside the home.
The downside of working from home is that 41% of Americans find it harder to coordinate projects, and 41% find it challenging to gather information for an allotted task.
How have companies been helping?
Companies are adapting to the new reality of online networking and remote work brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. They are doing their best to foster feelings of camaraderie among remote employees. 35% of businesses report organizing weekly sharing sessions, 32% have increased communication from senior leadership, and 31% encourage informal chats among employees.
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