In 2023, we celebrate the fourth year of BrandVue’s Most Loved Financial Services Brands report – and our year-on-year research shows that the concept of Brand Love is as true for FS as it is for other sectors.
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While nuances exist across sectors, a consistent pattern emerges in the actions fostering Brand Love and the subsequent positive impact on a brand.
After all, given the intimate – and often sensitive – nature of fiscal matters, it’s only natural for a robust emotional connection to form between consumers and brands that relate to their finances.
This year we asked 72,000 consumers to share their opinion on more than 220 FS brands, and the results offer a spectrum of surprises.
In addition to the Top 100 league table, the report dives into:
The life and longevity of the crypto craze
How to lock in younger generations
The challenges faced by Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) schemes
Why traditional banks are winning hearts and minds across all generations
A closer look at the role of insurance providers
…and much more.
Download your free copy above!