Economy | Financial Services | Public and communities | UK
The latest Cuts Index poll on behalf of ITV News.
Date Published: 11 Sep 2011
Categories: Economy | Financial Services | Public and communities | UK
Three-quarters of public support separating high-street
and investment banking
The latest Cuts Index, conducted by ComRes and to be broadcast on ITV News at Ten on the day of the Vickers Report, reveals that three quarters of the British public (77%) believe that banks should be forced to separate high-street banking from investment banking.
63% don’t believe regulatory changes since the financial crisis of 2008 have reassured them that a similar collapse is less likely to happen in the future. In addition, 85% feel that the UK Government needs to regulate the banks more strongly, with 72% stating that they don’t believe the banking sector has learnt the lessons of the financial crisis. However, two thirds (67%) of the public say that the Government is more concerned with protecting the banks than the public.
On specific regulation, 87% believe that there should be a legal limit on salary and bonus packages in banks that have been bailed out. This compares to 84% giving the same answer back in February 2009.
Poll Results:
The bank sector has learnt the lessons of the financial crisis in 2008
Agree 12%
Disagree 72%
Don't Know 16%
In the current financial situation, the Government is more concerned with protecting the banks than protecting the British public
Agree 67%
Disagree 15%
Don't Know 18%
Banks are mostly to blame for the current financial situation
Agree 70%
Disagree 15%
Don't Know 15%
There should be a legal limit on salary and bonus packages in banks that have been bailed out with public money
Agree 87% (84% Feb09)
Disagree 6% (13% Feb09)
Don't Know 7% (3% Feb09)
The UK Government should regulate banks more strongly
Agree 85%
Disagree 6%
Don't Know 9%
Banks should be forced to separate their high-street banking from investment banking in order to avoid another economic crisis
Agree 77%
Disagree 7%
Don't Know 17%
The Government has dealt appropriately with the way banks take on financial risk
Agree 15%
Disagree 60%
Don't Know 25%
British tax payers are still paying the price for excessive risk taking by the banks
Agree 89%
Disagree 4%
Don't Know 8%
The regulatory changes made since the financial crisis have been enough to reassure me that a similar collapse is much less likely to happen in the future
Agree 14%
Disagree 63%
Don't Know 23%
I am more careful about where I put my money after the financial crisis of recent years
Agree 72%
Disagree 14%
Don't Know 14%
The findings of this poll will be broadcast on ITV News at Ten on Monday 12th September.
Methodology: ComRes interviewed 2030 GB adults online between 9th and 11th September 2011. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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