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BBC Victoria Derbyshire “No Platform” Poll

A majority of UK university students support the NUS having a “No Platforming” policy. Around two thirds (63%) say that the NUS is right to have a “No Platforming” policy and half (54%) think the NUS is right to enforce the policy against individuals they believe threaten a safe space.


Q. For each of the following pairs of statements, which comes closest to your views?

The NUS is right to have a “No Platforming” policy 63%
The NUS is wrong to have a “No Platforming” policy 14%

Base: All UK university students (n=1,001)


  • Just less than two thirds of UK university students (63%) believe that the NUS is right to have a “No Platforming” policy.
    • Female university students are more likely than their male counterparts to say that the NUS is right to have a “No Platforming” policy (69% vs. 55% respectively).
  • Just one in seven (14%) believe that the NUS is wrong to have a “No Platforming” policy.
    • Students attending a Russell Group University (21%) are most likely to think this.


Q. For each of the following pairs of statements, which comes closest to your views?

By banning people like Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell, the NUS’s “No Platforming” policy has gone too far 19%
The NUS are right to enforce the “No Platforming” policy against individuals they believe threaten a safe space 54%
Don’t know 27%


Base: All UK university students (n=1,001)


  • One in five UK university students (19%) think that by banning people like Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell, the NUS’s “No Platforming” policy has gone too far.
    • Students attending a Russell Group university (29%) are more likely than those at a pre-1992 university (15%), post-1992 university (16%), or any other institution (5%) to say that by banning people like Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell, the NUS’s “No Platforming” policy has gone too far.
  • Around half of UK university students (54%) believe that the NUS are right to enforce the “No Platforming” policy against individuals they believe threaten a safe space.
    • Three in five female students (59%) believe that the NUS is right to enforce the policy against individuals they believe threaten a safe space, compared to only half of male students (48%).


Date Published: 25th April 2016

Categories: Education | GB | Social


ComRes interviewed 1,001 UK university students online between 14th and 18th April 2016. Data were weighted by course year, university type and gender. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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