A campaign of this scale was a significant investment for Citrix."
Founded in 1989, Citrix is a technology pioneer.
Its products give a company’s employees secure access to the apps, files and services they need on any device, anywhere, anytime.
The Challenge
Although Citrix generates close to $3 billion in annual revenue worldwide from its wider product portfolio, its GoToMeeting product remains a challenger brand in the UK online meetings marketplace.
To build market share, Citrix had developed an integrated marketing campaign which made use of online, radio and public transport advertising. With its quirky approach, this campaign was designed to differentiate Citrix through brand personality and promote the category overall by communicating the key benefits of online meetings.
A campaign of this scale was a significant investment for Citrix. As such, they wanted to maximise the impact, determine the ROI and take lessons forward to the next campaign. Enter Savanta, tasked to:
• Measure campaign effectiveness
• Identify which channels and executions were most successful
• Make recommendations on how to boost performance
Our approach
The effectiveness of a marketing campaign can be judged by the mental imprint it leaves, and the impact it has, on perceptions and likely behaviour. This is what we set out to measure.
Prior to launch we set a benchmark to measure against, surveying 500 businesses in Citrix’s target market to establish:
• Perceptions of online meetings
• Brand awareness, perceptions and sentiment
• Purchase consideration and preference
The same survey was then repeated once the campaign was live and again after it had closed. In these waves we again captured category, brand and purchase intent metrics, but also added further metrics to gauge campaign exposure and recall. By comparing against the benchmark wave and analysing differences by channel/execution exposure, we were able to identify campaign cut through, campaign impact and how this differed by channel and execution.
The outcome
Investment in future campaigns (and all the channels used) was clearly justified given the ROI from this campaign. Brand awareness increased 300% among prospective customers and purchase consideration increased sixfold. What’s more, the study revealed that this return could be multiplied further if three particular executions (from a pool of nine) were used exclusively.
“Savanta’s work has been invaluable in boosting our campaign’s impact and evaluating the ROI. The difference between them and other research agencies is that they actually understand marketing so are able to make intelligent, actionable recommendations”