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Universities UK – Value of University

A survey of recent graduates (in the last 5-10 years) and students about university

  • Five in six (84%) agree that ‘My potential future salary wasn’t the only factor I considered when deciding to go to university’
  • Earning potential is selected as a top three option in considerations for career by 42% of people, but comes behind work/life balance on 53%.
  • Soft skills like independence and confidence are the most selected skills that they felt they developed at university (59% and 58%) along with research (58%).

Date Published: 12/09/2019

Categories: Education | GB | Public and communities | Social

Client: Universities UK


ComRes interviewed 2,280 undergraduate students (767) and recent graduates in the last 5-10 years (1,513) online between 20th August and 2nd September 2019. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. ComRes_UUK_Students_and_Recent_Graduates_Research_Final_Tables_September_2019 -0 KB.

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