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ukactive National Fitness Day Survey

Survey of British adults on behalf of ukactive.


  • 51% of British adults say that they now think being physically active is more important for a healthy lifestyle than they thought it was just a year ago
  • One in five British adults (22%) rank physical inactivity as the most important public health issue to tackle in the UK. This puts physical inactivity on par with alcohol misuse (22% rank this first) and just behind poor diet (26%) and smoking (25%).

Date Published: 05092015

Categories: GB | Health | Public and communities | Social | Third Sector


ComRes interviewed 2,020 GB adults online between the 20th and 21st August 2015. Data were weighted to be nationally representative of all GB adults aged 18+ by age, gender, region and socio-economic grade.

  1. UK-Active_National-Fitness-Day -0 KB.

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