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June 2018 ComRes Parliamentary Confidence Monitor

A survey of 150 MPs on attitudes towards economic expectations over the next 12 months in the UK.

  • Of the 150 MPs surveyed, only one in three (32%) expects economic growth to improve over the next 12 months, while 33% expect it to remain the same, and 34% expect it to worsen – a balance of minus 2.
  • MPs give a slightly gloomier assessment of the prospects for inflation, with a balance of -10% who expect it to get worse than expect it to improve, with only 22% overall expecting an improvement.
  • Despite speculation in the media to the contrary, a small majority of MPs, 55%, expect interest rates to remain on hold over the coming 12 months, with 40% expecting them to be increased.
  • Finally, a modest positive balance of MPs expect an improvement in unemployment, despite claims of record numbers in employment, although one in four (26%) expect it to worsen.

Date Published: 27/06/18

Categories: Policy Makers | Politics | UK

Client: ComRes


ComRes surveyed a representative sample of 150 MPs from 11th May to 14th June 2018 online or by self-completion paper survey. Data were weighted to reflect the composition of the House of Commons in terms of party and region. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Economic-Indicators-MPs-2018 -0 KB.

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