Advanced analytics & data science | Applicant omnibus | Consumer | Data analysis & visualisation | International Omnibus | Policy development & evaluation | Public affairs strategy | Qual | Quant | Research Methods | Student omnibus (YS) | Survey programming and hosting | Technology
Roger Perowne
28 June 2021
Knowledge centre
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Advanced analytics & data science | Applicant omnibus | Consumer | Data analysis & visualisation | International Omnibus | Policy development & evaluation | Public affairs strategy | Qual | Quant | Research Methods | Student omnibus (YS) | Survey programming and hosting | Technology
Sustainability Segmentation: how marketers can turn good intentions into green buying behaviours
Advanced analytics & data science | Applicant omnibus | Consumer | Data analysis & visualisation | International Omnibus | Policy development & evaluation | Public affairs strategy | Qual | Quant | Research Methods | Student omnibus (YS) | Survey programming and hosting | Technology
BrandVue’s Most Loved Travel & Transport Brands 2022
Advanced analytics & data science | Applicant omnibus | Consumer | Data analysis & visualisation | International Omnibus | Policy development & evaluation | Public affairs strategy | Qual | Quant | Research Methods | Student omnibus (YS) | Survey programming and hosting | Technology
The UK's Top 100 Most Loved Brands 2022
Advanced analytics & data science | Applicant omnibus | Consumer | Data analysis & visualisation | International Omnibus | Policy development & evaluation | Public affairs strategy | Qual | Quant | Research Methods | Student omnibus (YS) | Survey programming and hosting | Technology